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China's plastic modified PVC pipe needs an annual increase rate of 2%

China's PVC pipes have been fast these years, with an annual addition rate of 8% and an annual increase rate of 2%. In plastic pipes, PVC pipe has always been used far away, and it is widely used in water supply and drainage pipes.

The refurbishment angle of manufacturing works has yet to be progressed because the technical means are relatively sophisticated. In recent years, PVC water supply pipes have not invested much in the refurbishment angle of building products. There are not many new products. There are usually many products on the market, and high-skilled, high-value-added products. There are few general products and middle-lowest manufactured products, and there are few low-level products.

鉛 The impact of lead ban on PVC-U pipelines may face up to the fact that the modification of PVC-U drinking water pipes using modified plastics to apply non-lead salt heat-hardening agents will have a greater impact on the PVC pipeline industry. Although the relevant parts and industry associations have made a lot of efforts with some production companies, by the way, a press conference was held and the media was used to spread the word. All the conditions were gradually rationalized, but because some users were not very aware of the actual environment, The growth rate of the consumption of PVC-U drinking water pipes is less than the average level of addition, and there is also a shadowy front impact on the use of other PVC-U pipes.

Expansion of use limitations and market promotion operations need to be advanced. The use of supporting martial arts needs to further complete the industry. The following topics such as product vocals and technically modified plastics are not yet in place, which has affected the rational use and expansion of plastic pipelines. The irrelevant work of the industry association needs further progress, and it is widely advertised that it needs to be strengthened. At present, the application market of products is still concentrated in a few areas, and there are opportunities to open up new application markets. The supporting skills applied in some manufacturing works are not complete, and some of the standardized work such as design, construction, and testing of the manufactured products lags behind.

The market is not standard, and some companies build low-quality products, which affects the health of the industry. Because the plastic pipe market is not yet standardized, some buyers are not the final users of building products. They do not favor brands and quality, forming a market for modified plastics. Products with consistent quality are commonly available, which makes some products with low price differences very easy to sell, and PVC-U pipes are still relatively cruel. According to familiarity, there are more than 500 various PVC-U production companies in a county-level area, and most of them are family workshops, and the quality environment is incredible. Among the capital of PVC-U pipelines, the data quotes account for about 70. A single company reduces the thickness of the wall and increases the door diameter of calcium carbonate to reduce the quality of the manufactured products, which constitutes a low-quality product. Another company selected two or more substandard brands, used the lowest-ranking processing facilities, and used lead salt fixatives to produce drinking water pipes to reduce profits. Modified plastics have reduced consumer rights and relaxed the industry ’s promise.

The construction quality of the project should be further completed. The quality of the PVC-U pipeline project depends on the construction level to a large extent. The construction wisdom of good product production and negotiation will ensure the color-enhancing operation of the roadway system project. In some projects, skilled technical personnel lack professional training. In the theoretical operation, planning and construction are based on the method of metal pipes. There are situations such as non-standard construction and rough halogen construction. Poor pipeline damage. Some users are still unfamiliar with how to carry out construction, supervision, etc. of plastic modified plastic pipes in accordance with regulations or a wide range of common sense.

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